Patch verification
Archive verification:
- Patch file allowed extensions are: .zip .tar.gz .tar.bz2 .tar.xz
- Patch file should contain unified_diff.patch
- Files should be placed inside archive without subfolders
Allowed extra content:
- Allowed to have extra files with extensions: '.qml' '.js' '.png' '.svg' '.qm'
- Patch translation qm files should be named "translation_LANG.qm" or "PATCHNAME-LANG.qm"
- Optional patch file icon should be named main.png or main.svg, you can include also main-light.png or main-light.svg icon
- Optional patch settings entry file should be named main.qml
You can push as many extra pages from your main qml. All extra files are located in same directory
Translation tips and tricks:
- Add:
import org.SfietKonstantin.patchmanager 2.0
- In the root item add:
property bool pmTranslationLoaded: PatchManagerTranslator ? PatchManagerTranslator.installTranslator("my-patch-name") : false
- In the first visible text item replace text with following:
pmTranslationLoaded ? qsTr("Translated text") : "Please update patchmanager!"
- If translation is not loaded try using qsTranslate() strings instead:
pmTranslationLoaded ? qsTranslate("pm", "Translated text") : "Please update patchmanager!"
Project fields verification:
- Name field can contain only alphanumeric chars, underscore and hyphen.
Available chars are 'a-z' 'A-Z' '0-9' '-' and '_'
Name value is only used internally. For pretty name use Display name field.
- Version should contain three numbers dot separated. Example: 1.2.3